Tidal Wave Total Fitness – Warrnambool- News- KICK START PROGRAM


Tidal Wave Total Fitness- Warrnambool- News- KICK START PROGRAM

Kick Start; 28 day Program!
Beginning 2nd January 2017,
For busy working women wanting to find time for themselves to get healthier and fitter. Your always taking care of others, work commitments, social engagements, family demands and of course the household jobs that are always waiting for you!

You spend a lot of time making your house look great, making sure your kids every needs are tended too, and your work commitments are met! But what about your own needs, why aren’t your looking after your own body. This is the place that you live in, you cannot lock it up and leave it, you cannot go away on holidays from it, you cannot pack it up and go live somewhere else! You body has got to get you all the way through your life. It is not selfish to want to feel better, have more energy, lose those extra kilos, get your hormones under control, do away with cravings and have enthusiasm for life again.
It is what your family expect of you to be fit and healthy, you should expect no less of yourself. A fitter healthier you can take care of all your commitments and have time for yourself.
Be happier, more energy to focus on the important things in your life.


The Kick Start Program will give you the tools to begin to build the more healthier happier you!
* Accountability
* Time
* Understanding
* Support
* Fitness
* Health
4 Weeks; 1 lesson per week
Facebook live sessions
Daily worksheets to complete and upload
Workouts- at home or the gym
Tips and recipes
Coaching mindset

I really look forward to helping you overcome issues that you have. My passion is to be able to help women like you rediscover themselves and to realize that they are of great value.In just 4 weeks you can change your old habits into new and healthier options.
If you take action change will happen!

Judy Rantall

Judy Rantall

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